Do common mechanisms of adaptation mediate color discrimination and appearance? Constrast adaptation
Supplemental Material
James M Hillis & David H. Brainard
University of Pennsylvania, Department of Psychology
This page contains links to supplementary material associated with the manuscript "Do common mechanisms of adaptation mediate color discrimination and appearance? Contrast adaptation" (2007). Click on the links below to examine supplemental figures referred to in the main body of the text.
Supplemental Figure 1: One, two and three parameter model fits for the Common Mechanism variant.
Supplemental Figure 2: Fits of the Common Mechanism, Independent Channel and Common Mechanism variants of the {g,M} and the {g,q,M} adpatation models. The Common Mechanism variant of the {g,M} and {g,q,M} adpatation models were the model ranked first by Bayesian Infromation and Akaike's Information Criteria respectively.
Supplemental Figure 3: Response functions for the {g,p} and {g,M} Common Mechanism models.
Supplemental Tables 1-4. Various pairwise model comparisons for individual data sets using AIC and BIC, and GLRT. Tables are in Microsoft Excel format.
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